A Taborer’s Treasury Vols 1 – 6
Four collections of melodies arranged for Pipe and Tabor by Terry Carter.
Volume 1 C12th – C15th plus tunes by Susato & Arbeau
Volume 2 C16th – C18th tunes
Volume 3 English morris dance tunes
Volume 4 Potpourri – selections by TTS members
Volume 5 Taborers Ahoy – 36 nautical tunes
Volume 6 Let’s Celebrate – A collection of celebratory melodies from around the world
Volumes 1-4 each contain over 60 tunes in suitable keys for English pipe and tabor. Also a fingering chart and tips on taboring.
The collections are suitable for playing on many other period and modern instruments.
UK Price: £7.50 – £8.50 each (+ P&P)
To order, please email Terry Carter with the following information
- Name
- Address (inc postcode and country)
- Which volume(s) you require and how many
- Contact telephone
- Preferred method of payment (cheque/BACS/PayPal)