Links to other related sites.
The Taborers Society
- The Taborers Society discussion list (Yahoo Group)
- The Taborers Society MySpace Group
- The Taborers Society YouTube Channel – beginners videos
- Facebook Pipe and Tabor group.
General Pipe and Tabor
- tabor n’ pipe discussion list.
- The Pipe and Tabor Compendium – A collection of essays on pipe and tabor in the decorative arts.
Early Music
- Early Music On-line Early music manuscripts from the British Library.
Pipe and Tabor traditions:
- The Pipe and Tabor in Gloucestershire Morris Dancing
- The Flabiol (Catalan)
- The Txistu (Basque)
- Tamborileros (West Spain)
What do you call other musicians who hang around with taborers?