Have fun learning to play pipe and tabor, the original instrument for morris dancing since the 15th century!
You’ll need a tabor pipe in high D, you can get one for £9.95 from http://www.pipeandtabor.org/the-pipe-and-tabor/buying-a-tabor-pipe/generation-tabor-pipes/
Also you’ll need a tabor or something similar to hit with a stick.
We’ll all be very supportive and encouraging to help people learn this super instrument.
We’ll look at holding the stick with our leading hand, the pipe in the other, attaching the tabor, and, if you don’t choose something else then learning the Beaux of London City morris tune.
Here are videos of the tune slow and normal speed.
This workshop is organized by the Taborers Society, why not join for a one-off £10, details are here.
Email to request a workshop or ask questions here. If you want a Zoom workshop then ask. When we do a Zoom workshop, participants will be emailed the Zoom link in advance.