Become a member

Founded in 2005, The Taborers Society (“TTS”) is open to anyone interested in the Pipe and Tabor family of instruments, anywhere in the world.

The Taborers Society organises the Annual International Pipe and Tabor Festival and Symposium, a unique gathering of taborers of all kinds from around the world.

Membership supports the activities of the society and ensures the continued success of the festival. Other membership benefits currently include:-

We are planning further benefits for members including publication of papers, tunes and CDs.

To become a member, please complete the membership form and return it with the membership

A paper TTS Membership Form is here.

Membership fee since 2015: £10 sterling

Membership has been held at £10. Existing members do not need to renew subscriptions. The fees quoted above are for new members to join the society.

Please send the completed form to our treasurer:

Email:  Click Here


Rob Guest,
The Nook,
Folly Lane,
May Hill
GL17 0NP

At present we can accept fee payment by cheque, cash, postal order, international money order, direct transfer and PayPal.

The Taborers Society Committee  2021-22

  • Chair – Andy Richards
  • Treasurer – Rob Guest
  • Secretary – Gillian Guest
  • Director of Symposium – Bill Tuck
  • Archivist – Rebecca Parris